Steven Ciceron is known to be a very talented actor. His talent is undeniable, and he is always in high demand. One of his biggest projects was to portray the infamous Fredrick Rasputin in the movie Rasputin’s Curse. Steven was fully immersed in the role and brought a mysterious and wicked aspect to the character. Every scene he was in was electric! His performance was so captivating that it sent chills down the spines of many.
Steven was also cast as the creepy hobo Edwin Baxter in Circus of Death. He was perfect for the role and managed to portray the character with pure precision. His performance was so realistic that you wanted him to be killed off in the film for his evil ways.
Steven Ciceron’s performances are powerful, and his talent is often praised. He is an inspiration to many actors, and his acting prowess is seen over and over again. Steven Ciceron had always wanted to be an actor. He had been involved in theatre since his teenage years and had always taken it very seriously. He had worked hard for years to hone his craft, and people had noticed. From the moment Steven stepped onto the stage, he knew he was in his element. Every line he delivered and every move he made was precise and captivating. He could feel the audience hanging on every word, and it was electric for him.
When Steven was cast in the series Mark’s Place, he was ecstatic. He was to play Blake Pennington. Steven knew this role was going to be demanding, but he was up for the challenge. The same could be said for his performance as Detective Horowtiz, the mysterious Detective in the production of The Ghost of Room 13. Again, he brought the character to life with precision and panache.
Steven Ciceron is a true gem among actors, and his performances are often acclaimed. Steven is a brilliant actor who has won three CV Indie Film Awards for Best Actor in an Independent Film and several awards at Film Festivals. He loves to play a variety of complex roles and uses French, German, Australian, Southern, or Bronx New York accents. Steven used to work as a clinical psychologist, which allowed him to gain a deeper insight into the psyche of complicated characters, and he worked very hard to understand the character before he got into the role.